Every business owner or marketer can agree that one of the most important keys to a successful business is a great customer experience. It creates an audience that feels that they are being heard, and the company cares for their experience with the brand. Now, you can improve your client’s journey even more by using customized videos, made just for them!

What is a customer experience?

user experience

Customer experience is how your customers feel about your brand and their interaction with it. You would want your clients to have as many pleasant experiences as possible, so they will continue coming back. The customer experience is affected a lot by the emotions you create among your customers. The happier they will be - the more engagement you will have. One of the best ways to speak directly to your client's emotions is by using a personalized video marketing strategy. This strategy allows you to address the needs of each of your clients individually, speaking in their ‘language’ and offering them a solution or service that fits them perfectly. This establishes the connection your customers feel towards you as they experience that the brand cares for them and acknowledges their issues by offering them the best solution.

Why is customer experience important?

The power to make or break a business lies within the people. In the era of social media, one bad review on Facebook can easily lead to a ‘cancel culture’ and can erase your chances for meaningful conversations. One really good review, on the other hand, can take your business to another level! And that’s why customer experience is so important. A happy customer will bring you a bunch of other happy customers and so on. Digital video marketing will require you to dig into your database to learn about your client's needs and provide them with the most personalized experience you can offer. This is why you should use a platform like Blings. That allows you to use video personalization in the most effective way that will take into consideration your client’s experience and make it easier for you to reach the hearts of your audience!

So what are the best practices to improve customer experience?

There are a few things you can do to improve your customer experience:

  • Build a strategy
    Although it goes without saying, it is quite important to build a customer strategy that will frame every interaction with your audience. Interactions should be very well -thought-through so you can create the most suitable and relevant video content for them. This also applies to B2B videos. Whether you are reaching out straight to your clients or building a B2B relationship, you need to have a game plan in which you'll review how satisfied your customers are so far and how you can improve that in the future even more.
  • Take the time to get to know your audience

    get to know your audience

    To create an impeccable customer experience, you need to get to know your customers first. Individually. Not all people are the same, not all of them have the same experience or needs, and each of them needs to be addressed differently. You can say that all of your clients do have something in common, which is the need for your product or service, but beyond that, each is unique. Every client of yours will react differently to each interaction and you need to spend some time to get to know the best way to reach any of them, to make them feel valued and important to you, which will get you a loyal and trusting audience.

  • Get feedback from your clients and apply it

    get feedback

    The people that know best what your clients need are your clients. They will have an accurate vision of what the ultimate service for them should look like and what they would like to get from you and how. Then, you will be able to collect the feedback you received, edit it so that it fits the company's messaging, and make sure it matches with the actual service you can provide, thus creating a perfect connection between what the customers need and what you as a brand need. When you are using a solution that includes personalized videos, you will get all the data you should know, including A\B testing, so you could have some kind of a clue of what your audience needs and reacts the best too.

When it comes to customer experience in general, sometimes it’s better to use some technology. It can help us understand people’s behavior better and provide data about your customer’s needs which will allow you to create the best-personalized content, and will lead to a great customer experience.

If you want to know a little bit more about Blings technology that can get you just that, reach out to us and we will be happy to discuss with you our offers!